What about the FRG area ?
FRG (for Federal Republic of Germany) is the code used for distribution in Switzerland and Austria. The FR does not stand for France, as has wrongly been stated on several websites.
There were two distinct distributors for this FRG localization, one per country: Stadlbauer for Austria, and Waldmeier for Switzerland. These companies still exist and are now wholesalers for all kinds of toys.
Given that Switzerland is partially a French speaking country, numerous FRG games (in particular those edited by Nintendo) display French on the box and manual. FRG games were imported into France, Germany and Eastern European countries like Poland, meaning that FRG games can be found in these countries in addition to Switzerland and Austria. Some FRG games are among the rarest. There are no FRG exclusive games, but it is interesting to know that Hammerin' Harry, Hit the ice and Ninja Boy 2 only exist as FRG versions within Europe.