Ultima Ushinawareta Runes (JPN)

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Ultima Ushinawareta Runes JPN

Ultima Ushinawareta Runes JPN Back of the box
Ultima Ushinawareta Runes JPN Front of the booklet
Ultima Ushinawareta Runes JPN Back of the booklet
Ultima Ushinawareta Runes JPN Cartridge

Released only on the Nintendo Game Boy, Ultima: Runes of Virtue is an action game in the tradition of Zelda, developed by Origin especially for the console, but which generally boils down to solving small puzzles in dungeons . The player plays Iolo, Shamino, Dupre or Mariah, while being identified as the Avatar (!), and the goal is to find the Runes of Virtue which were stolen by a Dark Knight.

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About this version

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Japanese Spelling 创世纪-神秘的美德)
Flap Code DMG-UTJ
Booklet Code DMG-UTJ
Cartridge Code DMG-UTJ
Flap Code
Flap Shape
Box languages
Booklet languages
Games language(s)
Inner inlay
Transparent plastic inlay
Views 1321 views
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About the game

Developed by
Release date USA : 1992 , Jul.
Japan : 1992 , Jan.
Others supports None
Gaming type Adventure / RPG
Number of players
Super Game Boy Features None
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Seen in the press

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Production Dates

14/12/1991 : Ultima Ushinawareta Runes - JPN

19/06/1992 : Ultima Runes of Virtue - USA

19/07/1992 : Ultima Runes of Virtue - USA