Othello World JPN-2 (No code appears)

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Othello World JPN-2

Othello World is an adaptation of the famous board game exclusively released in Japan. As a reminder, a game of Othello requires players to select given pawns (white and black) and place them on a board so as to turn over those of the opponent by surrounding them. The player who has the most pawns of their own color at the end of the game wins. Othello World offers different options such as the choice of side, whether to face a real player or the computer or whether or not to activate the music as well as setting the time limit.

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About this version

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Japanese Spelling オセロワールド
Flap Code DMG-ATOJ-JPN-2
Booklet Code DMG-ATOJ-JPN-3
Cartridge Code DMG-ATOJ-JPN
Flap Code No code appears
Flap Shape
Box languages
Booklet languages
Games language(s)
Inner inlay
Transparent plastic inlay
Views 1039 views
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About the game

Developed by
Release date Japan : 1994 , Oct.
Others supports None
Saving No save available
Gaming type Thinking, Puzzle Game and Management
Number of players
Super Game Boy Features
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Seen in the press

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Production Dates

30/09/1994 : Othello World - JPN

No date appears : Othello World - JPN-1

No date appears : Othello World - JPN-2