Painter Momopie JPN (01030)

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Painter Momopie JPN

Painter Momopie JPN Back of the box
Painter Momopie JPN Back of the booklet
Painter Momopie JPN Cartridge

The player controls a witch named Momopie, who must clean 33 floors of a castle. Each floor, arranged in a maze-like fashion, is made up of smaller tiles covered in dirt, in which Momopie must use her giant paintbrush to clean them with. In addition, various enemies are within the castle's walls, and touching them results in death. Momopie acquires spells throughout the game, both by progressing though the game and by a random spell that the King gives to her every few stages, that help her clean the castle faster, and also help address the enemies in various ways, by stunning them, killing them, or turning them into temporary allies. This comes at a cost of using up limited MP. However, it's refilled after each stage, and the MP limit is raised every once in a while.

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About this version

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Japanese Spelling ペインター モモピー
Flap Code DMG-PEJ
Booklet Code DMG-PEJ
Cartridge Code DMG-PEJ
Flap Code 01030
Flap Shape
Box languages
Booklet languages
Games language(s)
Inner inlay
Transparent plastic inlay
Views 1282 views
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About the game

Developed by
Release date Japan : 1991 , Jan.
Others supports None
Saving No save available
Gaming type Adventure / RPG
Number of players
Super Game Boy Features None
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Seen in the press

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Production Dates

30/10/1990 : Painter Momopie - JPN